Are you good at your job? Did you start your own business to fulfill a life long dream you had? No matter how good you are at your job or how much passion you have in your business, you need to get the word out so others know how great you are. Having third party referrals like your customers sharing the good about you is an ideal way to get business. Even if you have the best pastries in town, the most unique and varied stock of wine, are the best dentist that works great with kids and are the hardest working mortgage broker, customers won’t be beating down your door if they haven’t heard of you and don’t know where to find you.
Getting the word out is a must. Spreading the word about your great business online is even more crucial in this ever so connected world we live in. “Googling it” has replaced “getting the phone book”. There are more than 160 million searches performed on the internet daily, and 38 million people use search engines daily. So not only is getting the word out important but trying to do it with a minimized budget in this economy can be frustrating. eCompliments can be a great inexpensive solution for any professional or business owner. We give you the tools to give to your current customers who already love you to “share the good” about you online.
Review sites are very much mainstream these days. However, eCompliments is the only review site that is focused on the positive and let’s you truly get involved. It’s about giving you, the business owner, tools to get your customers involved. It’s also about you being proactive and asking them to get involved! If they already love shopping with you or working with you they will happily go to your profile on eCompliments and pay you a compliment. At eCompliments we can show you how easy this is. So how does all of this help you get the word out?
First let me give you some stats. In a recent Nielson Study Survey it showed that 70% of consumers trust consumer opinions posted online over all other advertising methods and that 90% trust positive word of mouth by people they know. So, by utilizing your eCompliments PRO profile and getting your customers involved you will increase your search engine optimization (SEO) – which basically helps your profile be found on the first few pages when people are searching online, help strengthen your brand and credibility, gain a competitive edge, enhance customer experience and increase customer loyalty, establish a web presence, and help you manage your online reputation.
Positive word of mouth gives you instant credibility. People think, if it's written it must be true. As more and more customers pay you compliments online you will become the place everyone wants to try or the person they want to work with. We are all busy these days, that’s why you need a simple, easy and inexpensive way to get with the times and help your business thrive in this economy.